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designer and developer
designer and developer


In this section you can learn about my background, what services I provide, and the skills I can bring to your next project.

I've been working as an independent graphic designer in London for about 20 years and service the small to medium sized business market with affordable marketing solutions in print and online.

During that time I've turned my hand to many unusual design projects and have developed an interesting  skillset that now includes the following:

  • specialist in branding design
  • web design and internet hosting
  • application and database development
  • environmental and product photography
  • 3d modelling and architectural visualisation

I've been very busy over the last few months working on some exciting projects and hope to bring you news of these developments and more details on my work in general soon.

In the meantime if you have any requirements that you would like to discuss with me please get in touch and I'll try to help.

Eddie Green Signature

Find out more...

Background Illustration - 3D visualisation showing a line jumping over a series of hurdles of increasing height

Background Illustration

3D visualisation showing a line jumping over a series of hurdles of increasing height

Image Credit: ©2024 Eddie Green


A brief chronological history of my working life over the last few decades

Concepts and consultation - Illustration with initial design and planning work using pen and paper

Concepts and consultation

Illustration with initial design and planning work using pen and paper

Image Credit: ©2024 Eddie Green


A summary of the main services that I offer to my clients

Data Security - Closeup of keyboard with fingerprint on the enter key

Data Security

Closeup of keyboard with fingerprint on the enter key

Image Credit: ©2024 Unknown

Data and website policy

I like to be transparent about the collection, storage and use of personal data gathered on my website. This page sets out the purpose of data collection on this site, the types of information collected and the scope and limitation of how that information is used.

Working Together - Two Lego characters shaking hands. Image rendered using 3DS Max and Vray

Working Together

Two Lego characters shaking hands. Image rendered using 3DS Max and Vray

Image Credit: ©2024 Eddie Green

Working together

Whether we've worked together before or you are a new client, I've prepared some useful information to guide you through to a successful completion of your project.

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