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designer and developer
designer and developer
Last updated February 2021


I've developed a niche in programming in Microsoft languages including VBA for Office, and.NET for standalone apps. Some of the more visual projects are shown here.


Crimestoppers Email

Crimestoppers Email - Graphic-rich HTML email with hyperlinks

Crimestoppers Email

Graphic-rich HTML email with hyperlinks

Image Credit: ©2024 Eddie Green

Preparation of design for cross-platform email campaign, including click-throughs to client's website

HPE Office Templates

HPE Office Templates - Powerpoint presentation for Health Protection England

HPE Office Templates

Powerpoint presentation for Health Protection England

Image Credit: ©2024 Eddie Green

A series of customised Microsoft Office templates created for HIV Protection England

Parkway Heathrow Email

Parkway Heathrow Email - Rendered visualisation of the finished e-mail in Outlook client

Parkway Heathrow Email

Rendered visualisation of the finished e-mail in Outlook client

Image Credit: ©2024 Eddie Green

Custom coded HTML email for a marketing campaign sent via Microsoft Outlook

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